shall cause to be entered and recorded all claims
may be filed by virtue of this act, noting on said claims
the day on which the same were filed.
Claim to be
filed within
six months.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted,
That every person entitled
to such lien, shall file his claim or statement with
the clerk aforesaid, within six months from the time of
performing the work or furnishing the materials for such
to set forth.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted,
That every claim as
aforesaid must set forth, first, the name of the party
claimant, and of the owner or reputed owner of the
building, and also of the contractor, architect or builder,
when the contract of the claimant was made with such
contractor, architect or builder; secondly, the amount
or sum claimed to be due, and the nature or kind of
work done, or the kind or amount of the materials
furnished, and the time when the materials were furnished,
or the work was done, as the case may be;
thirdly, the locality of the building and the size and
number of the stories of the same, or such other matters
or description as shall be sufficient to identify the
Debt to be a
lien for six
months after
work has been
SEC. 6. And be it enacted,
That every such debt
shall be a lien as aforesaid, until the expiration of six
months after the work shall have been finished or
materials furnished, although no claim shall have been
filed therefor, but such lien shall not continue longer
than the said period of six months, unless a claim be
filed as aforesaid, at or before the expiration of the
same period.
to be by suit
of scire facias.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted,
That the proceedings
to recover the amount of any claim under and in virtue
of the original act, shall be by writ of scire facias, in
the following form, viz:
The State of Maryland to the Sheriff of said county,
greeting. Whereas, __________ hath filed a claim
in the circuit court for the county of Dorchester or
Talbot, as the case may be, against __________ for
the sum of ______ (for work done, or materials furnished,
as the case may be,) to or for a certain building, to
wit: describing it as in the claim, and whereas it is
alledged that the said sum still remains due and unpaid
to the said __________ Now we command you, that
you make known to the said __________ and to all
such persons as may hold or occupy the said building,
that they be and appear before the judges of our said
court, at a court to be held at the town of Cambridge