Provided, however, the said president and managers
may reserve such part or parts of the clear profits as
they may deem proper to constitute a fund for relaying
the plank when it may become necessary, or for other
repairs and improvements on such road.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted,
That it shall not be
lawful for said company to ask, demand or receive of
or from any person or persons, within the lines of whose
lands any gate may be erected, any toll for passing
from one part to another part of said land along said
whom not to
be demanded.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted,
That nothing in this
act shall be so construed, as to allow said company to
issue any note, token, scrip, certificate, or other evidence
of debt, to be used as currency.
Banking forbid.
SEC. 20. And be it enacted,
That this act of incorporation
shall continue in force for fifty years, and that
the General Assembly hereby reserves the right to
alter, amend or repeal this act at pleasure; and that
this act shall take effect from and after its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to incorporate the Mutual Insurance Company
of Weverton.
Passed May
27, 1853.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John Lee, Caspar W. Wever,
James Giddings, William S. Elgia, Outerbridge Horsey,
Jacob A. Miller, J. Augustus Johnson, William
Longhbridge, James Elgin, Jeremiah G. Morrison, Edward
Garrott, Barton Garrott, Elie Crampton, Hezekiah
Boteler, Benedict Boon, Henry Rhodes, Christian
Stonebraker, Warren Garrott, Barton Boteler, Emery
Edwards, Richard Grim, Robert Cushen, Tilghman
Hilleary, Oliver Jacobs, Peter Miller, Alfred Barr, John
A. Wroe, Samuel B. Preston, Amos Gosnell, William
B. Tabler, Robert McDuel, John Brown, George
Brown, David Grim, Benjamin Grim, Thomas Barger,
William Newton, Lazarus Eader, Thomas Crampton,
Henry T. Deaver, Levin West, Joseph Waltman,
Thomas S. Lee, George W. West, and all other persons
who may hereafter associate with them, in the manner