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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 367   View pdf image (33K)
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        E. LOUIS LOWE, ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR.                                        367
the county in which the offence shall be committed, or
if the offence be committed in the city of Baltimore,
shall be paid to the mayor and city council of Baltimore
for the use of the public schools of said city, and
if the owner or agent of any room, building, arbor,
booth, shed, tenement, boat, float or place, shall know
or be credibly informed that any gambling table, apparatus
or device is kept and used in such property to
win or gain money, or other property, and do not forthwith
cause complaint to be made against the keeper or
keepers thereof, he shall be taken, held and considered
to have knowingly permitted the same to be used and
occupied for gambling.

     SEC. 2.  And be it enacted, That if any person for
gambling purposes shall keep any gaming establishment,
device or apparatus, or if any person shall be
guilty of dealing faro, or banking for others to play or
deal the game of faro, or any other banking game, or
shall be guilty of acting as an assistant in the game of
faro or any other banking game, or play the game
known as the little joker or thimbles, where money or
property is dependent on the result, or if any person
shall, for the purpose of gaining money or other property,
play with cards marked or in any manner so
designated or distinguished as to enable such person to
obtain an advantage not possessed by every one with
whom he shall play, or shall use any fraudulent means
whatsoever to obtain an undue advantage in the playing
of any game where money or property is dependent
on the result, he shall be considered under this act as a
common gambler, and shall, on conviction, be imprisoned
not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than one
thousand dollars, and in case the said fine and costs
shall not be paid before the expiration of the term for
which such person shall be sentenced to be imprisoned,
he shall further be imprisoned or remain imprisoned in
the said jail until the said fine and costs shall be paid,
or until the said fine and costs shall be satisfied, accounting
each day's actual imprisonment of such person
as a payment of one dollar of the amount of said
fine and costs; and one-half of the amount of every
such fine, or of so much thereof as shall not be satisfied
by imprisonment as aforesaid, shall be paid to the
informer, who shall be a competent witness, and the
other half shall be paid for the use of the public schools
of the county in which such offence shall be committed,
     Considered a
common gambler,
and to
be imprisoned.

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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 367   View pdf image (33K)
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