AN ACT to reduce the capital stock of the Saint
Savings Institution.
Passed May
24, 1853.
Be it enacted
by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the capital stock of the Saint Mary's Savings Institution
shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars;
and so much of the act, entitled, an act to incorporate
the Saint Mary's Savings Institution, passed at January
session, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, chapter two
hundred and ninety-four, as limits the capital stock of
said institution to one hundred thousand dollars, is hereby
Capital stock.
AN ACT to authorise the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, to condemn and acquire property in the
vicinity of the Richmond market, in said city, for the
purposes of the extension of said market.
Passed May
24, 1853.
it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the mayor and city council of Baltimore,
be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered,
from time to time, to contract for, purchase, lease
and hold to them and their successors, in fee simple, or
for a term of years, renewable, from time to time, forever,
any lands, tenements and their appurtenances, in
the vicinity of Richmond market; and also the right to
use and occupy forever, or for a term of years, any
land or real estate, which they may deem expedient
and proper, for the purpose of extending Richmond
market, in said city.
Mayor and
city council
authorised to
contract for
land, &c.
SEC. 2. And
be it enacted, That the mayor and city
council of Baltimore, or their agents, may agree with
the owner or owners of any land, real estate or leasehold,
or other property, which the said mayor and city
council of Baltimore, may conceive expedient or necessary
to purchase and hold, for the purpose of extending
the said Market, in said city, and if they cannot agree,
or if there be any incapacity or disability, to contract
with the owner or owners of such land, real estate, or
property as aforesaid, or with the owner or owners of
May agree
with owners
of lands which
may be wanted.
In case of disagreement,
sheriff to summon
jury of