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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 320   View pdf image (33K)
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320                                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.

     Passed May
23, 1853.
                           CHAPTER 240.

AN ACT to incorporate the trustees of the Baair Cheiim
                  (the Well of Life) Congregation.
     WHEREAS, The scattered Israelites of the town of
Cumberland, by their petition to this General Assembly,
have prayed that they may be incorporated with
powers necessary for the building of a Synagogue,
wherein they may worship God according to the rights
and customs of their fathers, to regulate their temporal
and spiritual concerns, and to take, hold enjoy and
convey property sufficient to carry into effect the object
of their incorporation; Therefore,

     SECTION 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That Henry Rosenbach, Abraham
Sheilds, Isaac Nathan, Abraham Sonneborn, Joseph
Burgunder and Henry Adler, of said congregation, and
their successors, chosen in manner hereinafter directed,
shall be, and they are hereby constituted and erected
into a body corporate, by the name and style of the
Trustees of Baair Cheiim Congregation, and by the
same name and style, shall have continued and perpetual
succession, and be able and capable in law of suing
and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering
and being answered, in any court of law or
equity in this State, and to make and have a common
seal, and the same to alter at their pleasure; and to
hold, purchase and enjoy, any estate, real personal or
mixed, in the same manner as other religious societies
are authorised to acquire, hold and enjoy such estate by
the constitution and laws of this State; Provided, that
such estate shall not exceed in value ten thousand dollars.
     Election of
     SEC. 2.  And be it enacted, That the male members
of the said congregation, of the age of twenty-one years
or over, may and shall meet on the first day of July,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, in each and every
year from and after the passage of this act, or within
twenty days thereafter, at the Synagogue of said congregation,
or such other convenient place, in the town
of Cumberland, as the trustees aforesaid shall designate
and appoint, and then and there elect five persons,
members of the said congregation, to be trustees thereof
until another election be held in pursuance of this act.
     Establish by-laws.
     SEC. 3.  And be it enacted, That the male members
of said congregation, over the age of twenty-one
years, or a majority of them, shall be able to ordain
and establish such by-laws and ordinances as shall appear

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Session Laws, 1853
Volume 403, Page 320   View pdf image (33K)
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