as the case may be before a justice of the peace,
faithfully to discharge the duties of said office, a certificate
of which oath or affirmation shall be filed by said
treasurer among the papers of said company.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted,
That said company
shall lay out and open said road at least twenty-eight
feet wide, shall cause a ditch to be cut on each side of
said road, and have the earth thrown up to the centre
thereof in such manner as to make and keep as nearly
as possible a firm and solid surface, and so far level in
its progress as that it shall in no place rise or fall more
than will form an angle of five degrees with a horizontal
line, and said company, shall also erect and
keep up bridges and culverts over the streams and water
courses that may cross said road, and shall from time
to time cause the same and said road generally to be
repaired, and kept in good order, and said road when
finished with all its toll houses profits and incomes shall
be and is hereby vested in said stockholders, their heirs
and assigns forever, as tenants in common in proportion
to their respective shares and said company shall have
power to charge and collect as like debts in this State
are collected, one-half as much toll from those who
may travel on or use said road as by law, the Baltimore
and Fredericktown Turnpike road company,
is authorised to charge and collect for the use of their
toad in like manner and extent.
Width of road.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted,
That said president and
directors of said company, shall keep a just and true
account of all monies which shall be received by their
several collectors of tolls, and shall on the first Monday
of January annually, make out a statement of the
amount of the same, together with all their proceedings,
and the state of the affairs of the company, to be submitted
to the inspection of the several stockholders;
and said president and directors shall make a dividend
of the clear profits and income arising from said road,
all contingent charges and costs for repairs, being first
deducted, among all the stockholders in proportion to
the number of shares by them respectively held, and
shall on or before the second Monday of January and
July in every year published the half yearly dividend
to be made of the clear profits among the stockholders,
and of the time when and of the place where the
same shall be paid, and shall cause the same to be
done accordingly; Provided always, that no toll shall
be charged or taken from any person or persons passing
or repassing from one part of his or their farm to another,
or to or from any place of public worship or funerals
Account to be
kept of all
monies received.