with the clerk of the superior court of Baltimore
Provided, that his powers, duties and compensation,
shall be limited to cases in which the circuit court has
jurisdiction under this act, and he shall enter into bond
to the State, in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars
conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties, with
security to be approved by the judge of the said court.
Terms of
SEC. 6. And be it enacted,
That the regular terms
for the sitting of the aforesaid court, shall be on the
second Monday of November, and on the second Monday
of each alternate month thereafter throughout the
Election of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted,
That an election for a
judge of the circuit court for Baltimore city, and of a
clerk of the same court, shall be held on the first Wednesday
of November next, by the qualified voters of
the said city.
Passed April
21, 1853.
AN ACT to authorise the removal of causes depending
in the Court of Chancery.
Duty of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That on the application in writing, for
any party to any cause now depending in the court of
chancery, setting forth that such party is desirous that
the cause may be removed for final determination to
some one of the courts of this State having equity jurisdiction,
and such notice, either to the solicitor or solicitors
of the other party or parties to said cause, or to the
party or parties thereto residing in this State, as the
Chancellor shall deem reasonable, having first been
given, it shall be the duty of the Chancellor, and he is
hereby authorised and required to order the removal of
such cause to some one of the said courts, and on the
passage of any such order of removal, it shall be the
duty of the Register in chancery; to transmit to the
clerk of the court to which the removal may be ordered,
all the papers in the cause, together with a transcript of
the docket entries therein, and a statement of the costs
of the respective parties theretofore incurred.
To be removed
to court
most convenient
for parties
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That whenever applications
shall be made by two or more of the parties in
any cause, or when it shall appear by the proceedings
that two or more of the courts of this State might entertain