of the arms, and their return in the like good
order as when the same
may be received, whenever the same may be demanded by the executive.
Dec. Ses. 1825.
Resolved, That the register in chancery be, and
he is hereby authorised
and required, before he delivers to the governor and council or their order,
any paper or papers, being records or parts of records or office papers
in his custody, which by resolutions of the present general assembly,
the executive may be authorised to withdraw from his custody, to
demand and receive a receipt, which shall sufficiently identify the said
several papers, and the cause or causes to which they relate; and the
said receipt shall be sufficient in every case to discharge him from all
responsibility on account of the safety or preservation of said papers,
the same shall have been returned to his charge and custody.
Passed March
7, 1826
Register in
No. 118.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our senators and
representatives in congress be, and they are hereby required to use their
best exertions to obtain the establishment of a navy yard in the city of
Resolved, That a copy of the above resolution
be forwarded by the executive
to each of our said senators and representatives.
Passed Jan.
31, 1826.
Navy yard in
No 119.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the governor
and council be, and they are hereby authorised and required to appoint
three persons as a committee, to investigate the state and condition of
the Penitentiary of Maryland, to examine into the accounts and general
police of said institution, and to recommend such amendments in the present
penitentiary law as they may consider necessary and proper, and to
report the same to the executive of the state, whose duty it shall be to
lay the same before the next general assembly of Maryland.
Passed Feb.
25, 1826.
of Penitentiary.
No. 120.
Resolved, That a joint committee,
consisting of one member from the
senate, and two from the house of delegates, be appointed and directed
to visit the legislatures of Pennsylvania and New Jersey and Delaware, to
confer with those bodies respectively, upon the measures best calculated
to prevent the absconding of slaves from this state, and of securing their
Passed Jan.
5, 1826.
Committee to
other states.
No. 121.
Resolved, That further
proceedings on two judgments obtained by the
state of Maryland, in Somerset county, against George Dashiell, former
sheriff and collector of said county, and Benjamin Dashiell, James Dashiell,
William Stewart and John Jones, his securities, and on certain other
judgments rendered by default in said county court against Charles
Jones, also late sheriff of said county, on writs of capias ad satisfaciendum,
issued on the two first judgments aforesaid, and placed in the hands
of said Jones, as sheriff aforesaid, be, and the same are hereby suspended
until the first day of January eighteen hundred and twenty seven.
Resolved, That all the interest beyond
six per cent, which has accrued
or may accrue on the said judgments, be, and the same is hereby relinquished;
provided the claim of the state on the judgments with six per
cent interest thereon, be paid on or before the said first day of January,
eighteen hundred and twenty seven.
Resolved, That unless the said claim of the state
on the aforesaid
judgments, with six per cent interest thereon, be paid on or before the
said first day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty seven, it shall and
may be lawful for the said state to proceed upon said judgments, in the
same manner as she might have done at the periods at which they were
severally rendered.
Resolved, That nothing herein contained shall
be construed to prevent
the state from proceeding on any judgment or judgments she may have
obtained in said court against John Fowler and Beauchamp Ackworth,
securities of the said George Dashiell, former sheriff as aforesaid,
Passed Feb.
10, 1826.
George Dashiell
and securities.