2. And be it enacted, That in future,
it shall not be necessary
for a justice of the peace to write out the supersedeas, in the
form now required by law in any case within the jurisdiction
of a justice of the peace, but repeat the form to the party
and his securities, and shall enter the same in his docket,
and also endorse on the judgment. Superseded by A. B.
and C. D. as the case may be, this _____ day of _____
for _____ months; which docket entry and endorsement
shall have the same force and effect in law, as if the same had
been written at length; and signed by the said justice. |
Dec. Sees. 1826.
Entries hereafter. |
— |
An act to oblige the owners or occupiers of mills or other water works
keep bridges over their races, in the several counties
of this state. |
Passed March
9, 1826. |
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall be the duty of al owners, occupiers or possessor of mills
or other water works, where any race or races appertaining to
the same, may cross a public road, to keep good and sufficient
bridges, not less than twelve feet in width over the same, except
where said mills have been erected and the races dug previous
to the formation of said roads. |
Bridges prescribed. |
2. And be it enacted, That in all cases
where the owner or owners,
occupiers or possessors of any such mill or mills or other
water works, shall refuse or neglect to make such bridge or
bridges, or shall refuse or neglect to keep the same in good
repair, it shall be the duty of the supervisor, having charge of
said road to proceed forthwith to erect, or repair such bridge
or bridges, and return an exact account of the expense of the
same, on oath, to the levy court, at their next meeting after said
expenditures shall have been made. |
Case of neglecting
to erect, &c.-supervision
authorised. |
3. And be it enacted, That if the levy
court shall be satisfied
that the account or accounts returned by any supervisor, under
the provisions of this act, are correct, they shall place the same
in the hands of the sheriff, who shall proceed to collect the same
from the owner or owners occupiers or possessors of such mill
or mills or other water works, in the same manner as other
county charges are collected, which when collected, shall be paid
over to the levy court, for the use of the county. |
thereof to be
collected by
sheriff. |
4. And be it enacted, That all former
acts or parts of acts, inconsistant
with, or repugnant to the provisions of this act, be
and they are hereby repealed. |
Repeal. |
— |
act for the relief of Margaret Ludden of the City of Baltimore. |
Passed March
9, 1826. |
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That the authority, power and control of Lemuel Ludden, over |
and claim annulled. |