judgment of the court, and in case the said proof shall not be
offered and such road cleared and made passable as herein before
directed when the same shall be adjudged to be cleared
and made passable at the expense of the petitioners within the
time above limited, the said petition shall be considered as withdrawn
by the said petitioners, and they are hereby declared answerable
and bound for all costs and charges which may have
accrued on such petition. |
Dec. Ses. 1825. |
13. And be it enacted, That when any
old road shall be
straightened, widened, altered or amended according to the provisions
of this act, it shall not be lawful for the person or persons
through whose lands the said road so straightened, widened,
altered or amended passed, to shut up and close any such
parts of the said old road as may be departed from by such
straightening, widening, altering or amending, unless authorised
so to do by the order of the said court. |
Old road not
to be shut
without order
of court. |
14. And be it enacted, That it shall
be the duty of the clerk of
Baltimore county court, whenever any road should be opened,
widened, straightened, altered, amended or shut up agreeably to
the provisions of this act, to record at length in a substantial and
well bound book, to be provided and kept by him for that purpose,
all and singular the proceedings which may have been
had in relation thereto, together with a plot of the same, and
such clerk and the sheriff of Baltimore county, shall be entitled
to receive the same fees for all services rendered in virtue of
this act, as are now allowed for like services to be paid as aforesaid. |
Record directed
therefor. |
15. And be it enacted, That all former
acts, and parts of acts
heretofore passed upon the subject of opening, straightening,
widening, altering, amending or shutting up public roads, so far
as the same relate to Baltimore county, be and the same are hereby
repealed; Provided always, That any application heretofore
made, or now pending in Baltimore county, or the said levy
court under the provisions of any such former act or acts may
be proceeded on, and shall have the same effect as if such former
act or acts had not been repealed. |
Former acts
Proviso. |
— |
An additional supplement to an act for the benefit of Ann Rochester
Frances Rochester. |
Passed March
8, 1826. |
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the commissioners appointed in the act to which this is a supplement,
to value the lands to be conveyed to Ann Rochester
and Francis Rochester, be, and they are hereby authorised to
fill any vacancy that may occur in said board of commissioners,
either by death, resignation or otherwise. |
Vacancy. |