1904.] OF THE SENATE. 71
a little, the appearance of the volume, the reprinting
of which will be pushed as speedily 'as possible.
The society has also to report that it has, through
the labors of one of its Vice-Presidents, Mr. Henry F.
Thompson, discovered the existence in the Public
Record Office in London, of quite a number of records
which are missing from the State files, and which it is
of great importance should be copied at an early dace
so that as the succeeding volumes of Archives shall be
published these records may appear therein in their
proper chronological order. The making of these
copies in London will entail an unusual expense, as
some of the breaks in the State's records are consider-
able Thus there is missing the proceedings of the
lower house during the year 1700, and from March 26th,
1702, to December. 5th, 1704, as also the proceedings
of the council between the 16th August, 1708, and the
27th October, 1714, and a number of other breaks for
smaller periods of time A portion of these is matter
which in its proper order should appear in the next
Volume, No. XXIV, and the society therefore urgently
recommends that for the next two years the annual
appropriation be increased from $2,000 to $2,500, such
increased appropriation to be for the purpose of having
made the necessary copies in London, to complete, as
far as may be, the breaks at present existing in the
records of the State.
The statement of the treasurer of the receipts and
disbursements since the last report to the General As-
sembly is appended hereto. The apparently consider-
able balance in hand is due to the fact that Volume
XXIII not having been received from the printer be-
cause of the fire, the cost of its publication has, of
course, not yet been paid, but this will be required at
an early date.
Respectfully submitted,