1904.] OF THE SENATE. 7
Mr. Lewis nominated the Hon. Spencer C. Jones, of
Montgomery county.
The nomination was seconded by Mr. Brewington.
Mr. Roe nominated Hon. Henry M, McCullough, of
Cecil county.
The nomination was seconded by Mr. Dixon.
On motion of Mr. Perkins,
The nominations were then closed.
Mr. Applegarth named the Hon. Spencer G. Jones.
Mr. Beasman named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Betts named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Biddison named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Brewington named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones
Mr. Dashiell named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Devilbiss named the Hon. Henry M. McCul-
Mr. Dixon named the Hon. Henry M. McCullough
Mr. Foxwell named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Gadd named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Gill named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Gorman named the Hon. Spencer C., Jones.
Mr. Gray named the Hon. Henry M. McCullough.
Mr. Greenwell named the Hon, Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Griffith named the Hon. Henry M, McCullough
Mr. Kirwan named the Hon. Spencer G. Jones.
Mr. Lewis named the Hon Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Moore named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Palmer named the Hon. Henry M. McCullough.
Mr. Perkins named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Robinson named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Roe named the Hon. Henry M. McCullough.
Mr. Thomas named the Hon. Henry M. McCullough..
Mr. Wilson named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones.
Mr. Young named the Hon. Spencer C. Jones,
The President pro tem announced that there were