1904.] OF THE SENATE. 47
should a Marylander be caught, he must be punished
according to our statute, which was passed not with a
view to making the punishment as it were a license,
but to make it a punishment in fact. This condition
is very unfortunate, and the numerous joint commis-
sions which have almost biennially been appointed on
the part of the two States to reconcile the differences
existing and harmonize the laws have never accom-
plished any satisfactory result.
The. oyster navy is composed of a fleet of eleven sail
vessels, nine of which are in first class physical condi-
tion, and two steamers The schooner Frolic is in
need of extensive repairs, and the schooner Julia
Hamilton should be replaced by a new boat.
The steamer Governor Thomas was overhauled last
summer and fitted with an almost entirely new hull.
The Govemor McLane should be rebuilt during the
coming summer.
The time has arrived when much greater attention
should be paid by the General Assembly to the ques-
tion of highway improvement. The people of the
State generally are demanding a better system of roads
than now exists, and it is of the highest importance
that this demand be recognized.
The Geological Survey has rendered and continues
to render, great assistance in preparing plans and
specifications for important pieces of road work, and
the value of the Survey has received wide recognition.
Numerous tests of the various road and paving ma-
terials used upon county roads and city streets have
been made.
The Maryland Geological Survey has extended its
operations during the past two years. More than two-
thirds of the Stare has now been surveyed, and the
work is rapidly progressing.
Several reports have been issued since the last ses-
sion of the General Assembly. During 1902, Vol. IV,