Frederick county—David M. Devilbiss.
Garrett county—Ulysses Gr. Palmer.
Howard county—Arthur P. German. Jr.
Kent county—Garrett 'Foxwell.
Queen Anne's county—James E. Kirwan.
Somerset county—S. Frank Dashiell.
Washington county—B. Abner Betts.
Wicomico county—Marion V. Brewington.
The Senate proceeded to a temporary organization.
Upon motion of Hon. John S. Biddison, seconded
by Hon. James E. Kirwan, Hon. Thomas H. Robinson
was called to the Chair, and having assumed the same,
addressed the Senate.
Mr. Biddison and Mr. Dixon escorted the temporary
President to the Chair.
The Senators-elect were then qualified by the Presi-
dent pro tern.
When the name of Lewis McK. Griffiith was called
to be sworn in Mr. Gadd presented the following pro-
test of Win. E. Northam against the qualification of
Lewis McK. Griffith as Senator from Calvert county:
To the Honorable, the
Senate of Maryland.
The memorial of William E. Northam respectfully
1. That at the general election held on the third day
of November, 1903, Lewis McK. Griffith, of Calvert
county, was the candidate of the Republican party for
State Senator from Calvert county, and your memor-
ialist was the candidate of the Democratic party for
State Senator from said county.
2. That it appears from the official returns of said
election in said county, as made out and certified to the
Governor of the State, that the said Lewis McK.
Griffith received six hundred and eighty-seven (687)
votes, and that your memorialist received six hundred
and twelve (612) votes.
3. But your memorialist is informed and believes,
and therefore charges, that the said retnrns of said