1904.] OF THE SENATE. 111
The Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates called
the roll of members of the House of Delegates.
A quorum of each house being present,
The Speaker of the House of Delegates, assumed the
chair as chairman, of the joint assembly.
The Secretary of the Senate then read the Journal
of the proceedings of the Senate on the preceding day,
in relation to the balloting for a Senator in the Con-
gress of the United States from this State, showing
the fact that no person at the vote so taken had re-
ceived a majority of all the votes of the Senators of
the State of Maryland for Senator in the Congress of
the United States for six years, in succession to trie-
Hon. Louis E. McComas, a Senator in the Congress of
the United States from this State, whose term of office
will expire March 4th, A. D. 1905.
After which,
The Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates read tile-
proceedings of the House of Delegates on the preced-
ing day in relation to the balloting for a Senator in
the Congress of the United States from this State
showing the fact that no person, at the vote so taken,
had received a majority of all the votes of the. mem-
bers of the House of Delegates of the State of Mary-
land, for Senator in the Congress of the United States
lor six years in succession to the Hon. Louis E
McComas, a Senator in the Congress of the United
States from chis State, whose term of office will ex-
pire March 4th, A. D. 1905.
The roll of Senators was then called by the Secre-
tary of the Senate.
Mr. President named the Hon. Bernard Carter.
" Applegarth " Elihu E. Jackson.
" Beasman " Bernard Carter.
" Betts " John Walter Smith,
" Biddison " Bernard Carter.
" Brewington " Elihu E. Jackson
" Dashiell " Joshua W. Miles.
" Devilbiss " Louis E. McComas.