1892.] OF THE SENATE. 893
Coffin, Toadvin,
Dawson, Waters,
Evans, Wilkinson,
Getty, Wirt,
Gorter, Wootton—16.
Said bill was then sent to the House of Delegates.
Senate bill entitled an Act to authorize and em-
power the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's
county to employ any and all male convicts and per-
sons committed to the County Jail of said county by
the judgment of the Circuit Court for said county, or
any Justice of the Peace thereof, in working the
county public roads of said county and the streets of
Centerville, of said county, and to pass all necessary
and needful rules and regulations in relation thereto.
Was read the third time, and passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:
Messrs. President, Posey,
Austin, Robinson,
Brown, Seibert,
Coffin, Smith,
Dawson, Waters,
Getty, Wilkinson,
Gorter, Wirt,
Moss, Wootton—16.
Said bill was then sent to the House of Delegates,
House Joint Resolution authorizing the Attorney--
General to employ counsel to assist him in the de-
fense of William Marsh, a citizen of Maryland, now
held by the authorities of Virginia for alleged viola-
tion of the oyster laws of said State of Virginia.
On motion by Mr. Smith,
The rules were suspended so as to give said resolu-
tions the third reading this day, by yeas and nays, as
Messrs. President, Moss,
Austin, Posey,
Brown, Robinson,