1892. ] OF THE SENATE. 81
Treasury and will be placed in the Deposit Company
when he next goes there, ) aggregating $13, 950. 00.
Certificate (a duplicate) of Farmers' National Bank
of Maryland, No. 397, for 1, 549 snares (this duplicate
certificate is in the Treasury and will be placed in the
Deposit Company when he next goes there, ) aggrega-
ting $46, 470. 00.
N. B. —The Treasurer withdrew from the Safe
Deposit Company three (3) of the B. &. O. Car Trust
Bonds, the same being due on January 1st, 1892, and
same were paid thereafter and passed into the Treas-
ury, and which left the aforesaid B. & O. Car Trust
Bonds for $2, 000 still in said Deposit Company, and
the said Treasurer also withdrew the aforesaid Treas-
ury Relief Loan Bonds, aggregating $500, 000. 00, with
the coupons due July 1st, 1892, and thereafter attached
to same, and brought the same to the Treasury office,
at Annapolis, that same night, be destroyed by proper
authority, &c.
Treasurer of Maryland,
Countersigned: —ELIHU E. JACKSON,
Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, to wit:
I hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true copy
taken from the original on file in this office.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
[SEAL] my hand and affixed my official seal this
20th day of January, 1892.
We, the undersigned, Comptroller and Treasurer of
Maryland, do hereby certify that having visited the
Safe Deposit Company in Baltimore city, wherein the
bonds, certificates of stocks, and other securities pur-
chased or obtained for use of the Sinking Funds, and
all other bonds, certificates of stocks and other securi-
ties belonging to the State were deposited, according
to law, and obtained the same; we did on the 17th