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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 769   View pdf image (33K)
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1892.] OF THE SENATE. 768

Sec. 2. And be further enacted, That the thirty-four
following sections be and they are added to said Article
eighty-one of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Revenue and Taxes," to be designated as sections
164 to 197, both inclusive.

164. And be it enacted, That to facilitate and ex-
pedite the assessment of property in this State under
this Act, the several counties of this State, and the
city of Baltimore, are hereby divided into the follow-
ing assessment districts: Allegany county shall be
divided into three assessment districts. First district
shall be composed of the first, second, third, fourth,
sixteenth, twenty-first, twenty-second and twenty-
third election districts; the second shall be composed
of the fifth, sixth, seventh, thirteenth, seventeenth,
twentieth, twenty-fourth and fourteenth election dis-
tricts of said county; the third shall be composed of
the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, fifteenth,
eighteenth and nineteenth election districts of said
county. Anne Arundel county shall be divided into
three assessment districts ; the first shall be the terri-
tory within the corporate limits of the city of Annap-
olis; the second shall be composed of the first, second
and eighth election districts as now laid out; and the
third shall be composed of the third, fourth and fifth
election districts as now laid out. Baltimore city
shall be divided into twenty-two assessment districts
upon the basis of the division of said city into wards;
the first ward of said city as laid out, shall constitute
the first assessment district of said city; the second
ward of said city as laid out, shall constitute the sec-
ond assessment district of said city; the third ward of
said city as laid out, shall constitute the third assess-
ment district of said city; the fourth ward of said city
as laid out, shall constitute the fourth assessment dis-
trict of said city; the fifth ward of said city as laid
out, shall constitute the fifth assessment district of
said city; the sixth ward of said city as now laid out,
shall constitute the sixth assessment district of said
city; the seventh ward of said city as laid out, shall
constitute the seventh assessment district of said city;
the eighth ward of said city as laid out, shall consti-
tute the eighth assessment district of said city; the
ninth ward of said city as laid out, shall constitute


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 769   View pdf image (33K)
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