1892. ] OF THE SENATE. 455
House bill entitled an Act to add an additional sec-
tion to Article 24, of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Worcester County, " sub-title "Oysters and
Fish, " to be known as 171 A.
Which was read the first time, and referred to Messrs.
Smith, Toadvin and Hepbron.
House bill entitled an Act to amend the charter of
the Salisbury Permanent Building Association of
Wicomico county
Which was read the first time, and referred to Messrs.
Toadvin, Austin and Waters.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments sections 206, 207, 220 and 237, of the
Act of 1890, chapter 201, entitled an Act to repeal and
re enact certain sections of Article 17, of the Code of
Public Local Laws, entitled "Laurel. " and to add
additional sections thereto.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 153,
of Article 17, of the Public Local Laws, title "Prince
George's County, " sub-title "Hyattsville. "
House bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 165 and
166, of Article 17, of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Prince George's County, " sub-title "Hyatts-
ville, " as repealed, re enacted and amended by chap-
ter 355, of the Code of Public Laws, session of 1890.
House bill entitled an Act to direct the Commission-
ers of Prince George's county to purchase from the
stockholders oi the District of Columbia and Upper
Marlboro' Turnpike Company, all the property of
said corporation, to be used as a public road of said
Which were read the first time, and referred to
Messrs. Coffin, Moss and Rogers.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the County
Commissioners of Queen Anne's county to appoint an
additional Constable for the Fourth Election District
of said county.
Which was read (he first time, and referred to
Messrs. Brown, Dawson and Hepbron,
House bill entitled an Act to direct H. Filmore
Lankford, Clerk of Circuit Court for Somerset county,
to refund illegal fines paid for alleged violations of
local oyster laws.
Which was read the first time, and referred to
Messrs. Waters, Smith and Toadvin.