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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 1332   View pdf image (33K)
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1332 INDEX.


House bill to amend section 130, Article 33,
title, 1186, 1204, 1286.

House bill to add a new section to Article
33, title, 1186, 1204, 1287.

Senate bill to make valid charter of Port De-
posit Electric Light Co., 45, 119, 137, 318.

Senate bill to incorporate Bay Ridge Elec-
tric Railway and Power Co. of Anne Arundel
county, 277, 337, 412, 530, 805, 867.

House bill to incorporate Electric Light and
Power Co. of Baltimore county, 317, 380, 415,
850, 1013, 1071, 1268.

House bill to incorporate the Elkton Elec-
tric Light and Power Co., 355, 380, 485, 958,
1013, 1087.

Senate bill to incorporate the Brooklyn and
Curtis' Bay Light and Water Co., 642, 747,
888, 1368.

Senate bill to incorporate the Cambridge
Electric Light and Power Co., 692, 801, 851,

Senate bill to incorporate the Edmondson
Avenue, Catonsville and Ellicott City Elec-
tric Railway Co., 882, 932, 948, 1036, 1189,

House bill to incorporate the Eastport and
Bay Ridge Electric Railway and Power Co.,
959, 991, 1047.

ESTRAYS—Senate bill to amend Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, title, 118, 302, 313, 381, 452, 492,
524, 686, 709, 1299.

Senate bill to authorize lot purchase by Trus-
tees of, 200, 627.

EXECUTIVE MANSION—Joint Committee to examine
into condition of, 64.

Senate bill to make appropriation for, 627,
873, 972, 1189.

Senate bill to provide for paving round, 829,


FARM PRODUCTS—House bill to regulate measure-
ment of peas, beans, &c. 843, 1027, 1084.


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 1332   View pdf image (33K)
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