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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 1317   View pdf image (33K)
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INDEX. 1317

House bill making appropriation for State
Normal School Building, 517, 1099, 1227.

House bill to pay employees of Warehouses
Nos: 1 and 528, 1015, 1086.

House bill to pay W. A. Lyon, 528, 645, 687.

House bill making appropriation to the Co-
operative Workers of Baltimore, 615, 725, 822.,

Senate bill to pay Emanuel Yeiser, 127,178.

House bill to pay for repairs to State Nor-
mal School Building, 615.

House bill to pay militia officers' expenses
of Frederick camp, 615.

Senate bill making appropriation for Laurel
Academy, 626, 1100.

Senate bill making appropriation for Exec-
utive Mansion. (See Executive Mansion.)

Senate bill to pay for publishing by Leonard
Calvert Monument Committee, 628, 912, 966,

Senate bill to pay claim of Loang, 684.

Senate bill to reimburse Gettysburg Com-
missioners, 684, 912, 966, 1269.,

Senate bill to return fines to Evans and
Barnes, 692, 912, 1003, 1298.

House bill to pay James Nichols, 732, 1156,

House bill to pay claim of J. H. Medairy &
Co., 732, 832, 896.

House bill to pay Wm. Davis, 748, 832, 899.

House bill to pay expenses of removing con-
victs from Penitentiary, 748.

House bill to pay John H. Miles, 748, 1015,

House bill to pay George M. France, 749,
800, 820.

Senate bill to pay Henry C. Rawlings, 752,
829, 892, 1137.

Senate bill making appropriation for Penin-
sula Horticultural Society, 754.

House bill to pay claim of Oscar Paskell
and others, 844.


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 1317   View pdf image (33K)
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