,1892.] OF THE SENATE. 1017
paid, that .ig to say, such of said bonds, certificates
of indebtedness or evidences of debt as bear an inter-
est of six per centum, shall be assessed at par ; suck
as bear an interest of five per centum, shall be assessed
at eighty-five dollars in the hundred dollars ; such as
bear an interest of four and one-half per centum, at
eighty dollars in the hundred dollars; and such as
bear an interest of three per centum, at sixty-four
dollars in the hundred dollars, and such as bear an
interest at a rate not named in this' section, shall be
assessed and, valued at a corresponding reduced value,
if the rate of interest be less than six per centum, and
at a corresponding increased value, if the rate of in-
terest is above six per centum, and such, upon which
no interest shall be actually paid, shall not be valued,
and assessed at all."
Pending which,
On motion by Mr. Moss,
Said bill and amendments were ordered to lie over.
The hour of 2 P. M. having arrived, the President
announced the Order of the Day to be the considera-
tion of
Senate bill entitled an Act to amend Article 100, of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Work," by
adding thereto a section to be known as section 4, reg-
ulating the employment of minors in stores, factories,
mills and workshops, in this State.
Which was considered.
Mr. Hubner moved to suspend the rules so as to
permit him to offer the following amendment:
Strike out in line 5, "fourteen," and insert
Which was determined in the negative by yeas and.
nays, as follows:
Messrs. President, Hubner,
Austin, Pearre,
Bennett, Robinson,
Brown, Rogers,
Evans, Toadvin,
Gorter. Wirt—12.