Showing On Disbursements during the Fiscal Year ended September 30,1877, to hate been $2,118,646 89; also, the Acts of the General Assembly
authorizing said payments, and the balance remaining in the Treasury September 30,1877, applicable to future demands.
Acts authorizing Payments.
Agricultural Society of Alleghany County..............................
" " Baltimore County...............................
Chap. 282 of 1878...............
$ 500 00
500 00
" " Carroll County...................................
500 00
" Dorchester County..............................
500 00
" Frederick County................................
500 00
" Harford County.................................
500 00
" Kent County ...................................
500 00
' Montgomery County.............................
500 00
" Somerset County...... ........................
500 00
" Talbot County................................
1,000 00
" Wicomico County................................
500 00
$ 6,000 00
Augmentaion of the State Library......
Agricultural College
" 189 and 331 of 1876........
" 97 of 1856, 90 of 1864 and
2,710 19
2,710 19
415 of 1872...............
13,213 00
13,213 00
Asylum for the Blind — Balance of Appropriation.........................
Baltimore Female College ........................... .................
St. John's College................................. ...................
" 301 of 1874................
" 331 of 1876...... .........
" 393 of 1872 and 331 of 1876
5,000 00
2,500 00
25.000 00
5,000 00
2,500 00
25,000 00
Bouuty to Volunteers — White, and Drafted Men..........................
" 15 of 1864 and supplements
300 00
U S. Navy......................................
3,000 00
" " Printing and Clerical Service.....................
1,500 00
4,800 00
Civil Officers— Salaries of Governor and Secretary of State................
" 189 and 331 of 1876........
7,250 00
" " •' Treasurer and Clerks.........................
5,500 00