ANNAPOLIS, January 1,1878.
STATEMENT of the receipts and expenditures of the public moneys for the
year ended September 30,1877, furnished in obedience to the twentieth section
of the third article of the Constitution, and section twenty-five of article
twenty-two of the Code of Public General Laws
Showing the total Receipts into the Treasury during the Fiscal Tear ended Sep-
tember 30,1877, to have been $3,109,193 73, which, added to the balance in the
Treasury as of September 30,1876, will make the aggregate in the Treasury
during the Fiscal Tear $2,510,628.03.
Agricultural College Scrip....................................
Bank Stocks— For Dividends ..... ................ .......
$ 6,903 00
1,858 80
Baltimore and Ohio R R Co. — Dividends on Preferred Stock.....
60,918 74
Ches. and Delaware Canal Co — Dividend on Stock ...........
1,635 00
Columbia and Port Deposit R.R. Co — Interest on Bonds........
6,300 00
Executive Contingent Fund — A i epayment ...................
Excess of Fees of Office ....................................
400 00
18,689 08
Fines and Forfeitures........................ ...............
8,823 71
Grain Weighing ...........................................
5,956 38
Interest on Personal Auccounts...........
17,457 79
Land Office.................................................
1,705 95
Licenses — Auctioneers' . ...................................
7,000 00
" Billiard Table......................................
2,880 47
. " Brokers' .........................................
22,512 40
" Exhibition....................... ................
4,383 20
" Express Companies .......................'.......
300 00
" Foregrin organizations
31,446 72
" Hawkers' and Pedlers'...............................
8,603 65
" Inspectos and Gaugerssss,.......
396 00
" Marriage......
23,706 76
" Ordinary .........................................
21,275 91
"Oyster House
107,548 91
" Oyster Measurers'..................................
366 30
"Race and Fishery.................
90 10
" Stamps .........................................
175 00
" Telegraph Companies ............................
311 88
" Traders .............. .........................
186,016 46
" Traders' Liquor................................
20,575 73
" To dredge for Oysters...
49,837 46
" "Wood Hucksters .................................
758 99
Maryland Penitentiary................................. .....
425 37
Maryland State Grange — Payment for Gas during session at
4 26
Carried forward ...........................
$618,654 00