Prince George's county,' " enlarging the powers of the
Commissioners of Laurel, and defining the duties of the
justice of the peace in and for Prince George's, resident
in said town...................................................
No. 469. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the
claims of C. W. Fontaine, Samuel Malone, W.W. Busteed,
Julius A. Johnson, Hermange & Brewer, Geo. A. Hanson,
Thomas R. Robson, William H. Vanderford, Parran &
Co., T. B. Taylor, George M. Upshur, E. S. Toadvin,
Frederick Raine, Plummer & Usilton, Wm. H. Ruby,
Joseph B. Mitchell & Co., L. F. Colton & Co., William
T. Iglehart, John S. Button & Co., Estate of John R.
Brown, Baltimore Gazette Company, Evening Bulletin,
A. S. Abell & Co., F. W. Baker, Baughman Brothers,
King & Yeates, J. M. Street, Melvin & Steel, Ephraim
G. Polk, A. J. Merrill, Joseph H. Johnson, Sulivane &
Beckwith, H. P. Tasker, G. W. Cruikshank, R. G. Fields
and W. Scott Roberts.............................................
No. 470. An act to further supplement an act, entitled
" An act to incorporate companies to make several Turn-
pike Roads through Baltimore county," and for other
No. 471. An act for the better protection of oysters in the
waters of the Patuxent river included within the boun-
daries of Calvert county and Saint Mary's county, between
Point Patience and Sheridan's Point in Calvert county,
and Town Point and Long Point in Saint Mary's county-
No. 473. An act to amend article four of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title " City of Baltimore," sub-title
"Vagrants," by adding new sections thereto................
No. 474. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments
an act passed at the January session of the General As-
sembly of Maryland, eighteen hundred and seventy,
chapter two hundred and nine, entitled "An act to in-
corporate The Wesley Mutual Life Insurance Company
of Baltimore"......................................................
No. 475. An act to repeal and re-enact section five of article
eighteen of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled
" Clerks of Courts," as re-enacted by an act passed at
January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, chapter