and also to repeal sections eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-
four and eighty-five of the Public Local Laws of Caroline
county, sub-title " Fences," so far as they relate to the
above election districts............................................
No. 417. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Dorchester county to build a bridge over Blackwater
river, at Shorter's wharf, in said county......................
No. 418. An act for the relief of John Henry Noble, Col-
lector of State and County Taxes in election districts
numbers two and twelve of Dorchester county, for the
years eighteen hundred and seventy-four and eighteen
hundred and seventy-five, and his sureties....................
No. 419. An act to incorporate the Agricultural and Me-
chanical Association of Wicomico county......
No. 420. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Somerset county to have a bridge built across the Anna-
messex River......................................................
No. 421. An act to amend the charter of the Washington
City and Point Lookout Railroad Company, and to en-
large the powers thereof, so as to enable said company to
purchase the rights and property, real and personal, of
the Southern Maryland Railroad Company...................
No. 422. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Worcester county to open a road in said county, and to
permit gates to be placed across the same....................
No. 423. An act to change a part of the dividing line be-
tween the fourth and fifth election districts of St. Mary's
No. 424. An act to protect diamond-back terrapins in the
waters of the State of Maryland, and to regulate the
catching of the same..............................................
No. 425. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
St. Mary's county, in their discretion, to adjust and pay
the claims of John A. Barber and the heirs of Garner
Hayden, for county taxes paid in error........................
No. 426. An act to give the sanction of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland to a bequest in the will of John Beggs,