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Session Laws, 1878
Volume 399, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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Clerk of said Board, except those issued to pay per-

sons the money specifically levied for their use,

which latter orders or warrants shall be signed by

the Clerk of said Board, and it shall not be lawful

Not lawful.

for the said collector to make any payments what-

ever, except by order or warrant drawn by said Com-

missioners and signed as hereinbefore provided for,

or except by the order of the Clerk of the Circuit

Court for said county, for the payment of witnesses,

jurors, talesmen, court crier and bailiffs of said court,

and each order or warrant shall state the purpose

for which it is given, and shall embrace but one class

of expenditure.

SEC. 87 E. Be it enacted, That on the first Tues-

day of each month the collector shall report to the

Collector to

County Commissioners the amount of money, prin-


cipal and interest collected, and the amount of money

he has paid out on orders or warrants, drawn as here-

inbefore provided, during the month just passed.

SEC. 87 F. Be it enacted,, That all documents,

books and papers belonging to the office of the

collector are hereby declared to be the property and

Property o f

records of Washington county, and at all times shall


be subject to the examination of the Grand Jury


and Commissioners of said county ; and it shall be the

duty of the Grand Jury at each term of the Circuit

Grand Jury
t o examine

Court for said county to examine the books and ac-

books, &c ,

counts of the said collector, and report to said court

and report

the result of such examination.

SEC. 87 G. Be it enacted, That upon the expira-

tion of his term of office the collector shall deposit

with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Washington

shall deposit

county all books and papers belonging to his office

all books, &c

in which the accounts of collections and disburse-

ments are made and entered, and the County Com-

missioners shall allow said collector the original cost

of said books upon presentation of the bill of pur-

chase thereof, properly receipted ; in the purchase of

said books the collector shall be limited to such books

Collector lim-

as may be actually required to faithfully comply with


this law.

SEC. 87 H. And be it enacted, That it shall not

be lawful for the said collector to retain for his own

salary any part of the principal or interest of the


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Session Laws, 1878
Volume 399, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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