No. 226. An act to pay to James M. Leiter, of Washington
county, the sum of twenty-five dollars, overpaid by him
into the treasury...................................................
No. 227. An act to repeal section eight hundred and sev-
enty-four of article four of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title " Baltimore City," and to re-enact the same
as follows ............................................................
No. 228. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the
claims of Thomas C. Basshor and Company, and Joseph
Thomas and Sons, for work done and material furnished
at the State Normal School......................................
No. 229. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments
the eighth section of the thirty-eighth article of the Code
of Public General Laws, title " Fees of Officers ".........
No. 230. An act to empower the People's Passenger Rail-
way Company of Baltimore city, to accept subscriptions
to its capital stock in personal property or real estate, or
in both personal property and real estate.....................
No. 231. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of
Harford county to locate and establish a public landing
on the east side of Bush River, at or near a point called
"the Sod "...........................................................
No. 232. An act to authorize the construction and mainte-
nance of a line of telegraph from the House of Correc-
tion, at Jessup's Station, in Anne Arundel county, to the
Police Headquarters in Baltimore city; and from the
State Penitentiary to the Police Headquarters in Balti-
more city .............................................................
No. 233. An act to repeal an act passed by the General
Assembly of Maryland, eighteen hundred and seventy-
six, chapter two hundred and fifty-one, entitled " An act
to refund to the executor or administrator of Samuel H.
Birckhead, deceased, late collector of the first district of
Harford county, a sum of money erroneously paid into
the treasury " ...........................................
No. 234. An act to repeal chapter four hundred and thirty-
nine of the Acts of the General Assembly passed at the
January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, en-
titled " An act to regulate the issuing of licenses for the