liberty whose memory it was designed to per-
petuate ;
And whereas this State, recognizing the services,
self-denial and heroic death of this noble pa-
triot, and desiring as far as possible to repair
the apparent ungrateful neglect of the Federal
Government, believes that there can be no more
fitting occasion wherein to give expression to
these sentiments, and to discharge this patriotic
duty, than on the one hundredth anniversary of
his death : therefore —
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our Senators in Congress be instructed, and
our Representatives be requested, to urge upon
the present Congress of the United States the
propriety of taking such action as will carry into
Erection of
effect the patriotic design of the Congress of
seventeen hundred and eighty, in the erection of a
monument to the memory of the lamented and
gallant De Kalb, at the city of Annapolis or Bal-
Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, be
requested to transmit a copy of the aforegoing
resolutions to our Senators and Representatives
in Congress, with such recommendations as he
may suggest.
No. 7.
In relation to Samuel Chase Barney, ex-Lieuten-
ant of the United States Navy.
Se it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our Senators and Representatives in the Con-
gress of the United States be and they hereby are
requested to use their influence to procure the