between the first day of January and the fifteenth
day of August ; nor any rabbit between the fifteenth
day of January and the fifteenth day of October ;
nor shall any person trap any partridge or destroy
or molest the eggs or nests of the said birds at any
time in said county.
SECTION 2. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That any person violating the pre-
Penalty for
ceding section shall pay a fine of ten dollars for each
and every partridge, woodcock, pheasant or rabbit
shot, or in any manner caught, killed, or in their
possession, or for any partridge trapped, or for any
eggs or nests molested or destroyed, contrary to the
preceding section; said fines to be recovered before
a justice of the peace of the said county, or by in-
dictment in the Circuit Court of said county, and in
default of payment of fine or fines imposed here-
under, the offender shall be committed to jail for
not more than thirty days for each offence, and the
non-payment of each and every fine shall be con-
Fines and
sidered a separate offence within the meaning hereof,
and in addition to the said fines, the gun or other
shooting apparatus, the net or nets, ammunition and
accoutrements in the possession of the offender at
the time shall be condemned as forfeited, and be
sold by any constable of said county after five days'
notice of said sale ; one-half of all said fines, and of
the proceeds of any such sale, shall go to the in-
former, and the balance to the County Commission-
ers of said county.
Approved April — , 1878.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ty the General Assembly
of Maryland, That for the expenditures in the sup-