SEC. 26. The commissioners for the county, jus-
tices of the peace, sheriff, constables and all other
Bights of
county and State officers, shall have, hold and exer-
other officers.
cise their offices and jurisdiction in said town as if
this charter had not been granted ; and the commis-
sioners for Montgomery county shall appropriate
annually one-third of the tax levied or imposed upon
the assessable property within the corporate limits
of the town, for the improvement of the streets with-
in the corporate limits of the town, and shall order
the county collectors, who shall collect the taxes
within said corporate limits, to pay said one-third
thereof to the commissioners of said town for that
SEC. 27. The commissioners shall have power to-
building lines
establish building lines on all the streets in said
town, or which shall hereafter be opened therein,
and to compel all persons hereafter erecting build-
ings in said town to conform thereto.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That this act shall
In force.
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1878.
AN ACT to add certain new sections to the Code
of Public Local Laws, article one, entitled " Alle-
gany county," sub-title "Flour," to come after
section seventy-one.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the following new sections be
and are hereby added to the Code of Public Local
Laws, article one, entitled "Allegany county," sub-
title " Flour," to come after section seventy-one, and
to read as follows :