whether under said contracts or for sale, shall be
sold and delivered beyond the limits of this State.
To the night watchmen of the Public Buildings,
six hundred dollars each — twelve hundred dollars ;
For miscel-
to the person employed to take care of the Public
laneous pur-
Buildings and grounds, six hundred dollars; to
the person employed to attend the room of the
Court of Appeals, one hundred dollars; to the
Messenger of the Governor, one thousand dollars ;
to the person employed to take charge of the Gov-
ernor's Mansion and the furnaces thereof, six hun-
dred dollars ; to the keeper of the State House
and Record Office furnaces, and to his assistant,
six hundred dollars each — twelve hundred dollars ;
for insurance on the Governor's Mansion, five
hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary ; for rent of boxes of the Safe Deposit
Company of Baltimore for the use of the Treasury
Department, one hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary ; to the members of
the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city, fifty dol-
lars each — one hundred and fifty dollars ; to the
Register of Baltimore city, three hundred dollars ;
for the expenses of the State Board of Health, in-
cluding the salary of the Secretary of said board,
twenty-five hundred dollars ; to the State Vaccine
Agent, for his salary, six hundred dollars, and to
defray the expenses incurred by him in procuring
reliable vaccine virus, six hundred dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary ; to the Clerk
of the Court of Appeals, for recording the laws
of the General Assembly of eighteen hundred and
eighty, four hundred and fifty dollars ; for insur-
ance on the State Normal School Building in Bal-
timore, two hundred and fifty dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary; for insurance on
State House of Correction, three hundred and fif-
ty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary ;
to the Maryland Institute for the Instruction of the
Blind, as per act of eighteen hundred and sixty-
eight, chapter two hundred and five, fifteen thou-
sand dollars; to the Board of Directors of the
Maryland Institution for the Instruction of the