House of Delegates, one hundred and twenty thou-
sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary ; for the printing of the General Assembly of
Maryland for eighteen hundred and seventy-eight,
thirty-eight thousand dollars ; for binding the laws,
journals and documents of the present session, three
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be ne-
cessary; for indexing the journals and documents
of the Senate and House of Delegates, seven hun-
dred dollars ; for indexing the laws, three hundred
and fifty dollars; to the Secretary of the Senate
and Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates for
copying and arranging for publication the laws of
the present session, and for salaries during the recess
of the Legislature, five hundred and twenty-five
dollars each — one thousand and fifty dollars.
To the Maryland Penitentiary, for the support of
the institution, seven thousand five hundred dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary ; and for ad-
ditional improvements, twenty thousand dollars;
provided, however, and it is hereby directed, that
the Directors of the said Maryland Penitentiary,
and the Warden thereof, shall not receive into said
Penitentiary any person sentenced to imprisonment
by any court of any other State, or by any court of
the United States other than the courts of the United
States for the District of Maryland, and shall in all
and other in-
contracts to be made hereafter for the employment
of the convicts in said Penitentiary, and in the sale
of the manufacturies of the said institution, provide
that the goods so manufactured, whether under said
contracts or for sale, shall be sold beyond the limits
of this State. To the Board of Directors of the
Maryland Institution for the Instruction of the Blind,
eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ; for
the education of the Deaf, Dumb and the Blind col-
ored children of this State, six thousand three hun-
dred and seventy-five dollars ; to the Lying-in Hos-
pital for Indigent Women, twenty-two hundred and
fifty dollars ; to the House of Refuge, eleven thou-
sand and twenty-five dollars ; to the House of Re-
formation and Instruction for colored children, seven
thousand five hundred dollars ; to the Managers of
the Maryland Hospital for the Insane, eleven thou-