them may appear necessary for the violation of any
ordinances of said town.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That any person may
appeal from the valuation made by the said assessors
to the Mayor and Councilmen, and the said Mayor
Any person
may appeal.
and Councilmen shall meet at the council chamber
on the first Monday in June in each year and remain
in session one day, or longer if necessary, for the
purpose of hearing and determining such appeals,
and shall give notice of such meeting in such a man-
ner as they shall prescribe, and upon failure so to
Give notice
of meeting.
meet the said Mayor and Councilmen, unless pre-
vented by sickness or unavoidable accident, shall
each forfeit the sum of five dollars, and they may at
each forfeit.
such meetings examine the party appealing or any
other person on oath touching the particular value
of the property assessed, and may reduce or increase
the assessments as may seem just.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the assessors
may, if they believe it necessary, annually assess and
value all goods, merchandize and stock in trade of
each person residing or owning such goods in said
town, and the same shall be taxed as other property.
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and
Council shall have full power and authority to grade,
Authority to
curb and pave, or cause to be graded, curbed and
grade, curb,
paved, all sidewalks, gutters and sewers which, in
their judgment, the public convenience may require,
, and from time to time, if necessary, to change or
alter the grade of any streets already graded, and
to repave or repair any sidewalks, gutters or sewers
whenever they may require it, and to collect the ex-
Collect ex-
pense of grading, curbing and paving or otherwise
improving the same, as directed in the next succeed-
pense of grad-
ing, &c.
ing section.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That whenever the
person or persons owning the property fronting on
any such sidewalks shall refuse to have such side-
Shall refuse.
walks, gutters and sewers paved, when directed to
do so, by any ordinance, within thirty days from the
date of its passage, the said Mayor and Council shall
have the materials found and the work done, and
shall cause the Street Commissioner to ascertain