AN ACT to repeal sections seven, ten, eleven,
thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, twenty-one, twenty-
three and twenty-four, chapter seventy-seven, of
the acts of the General Assembly passed at Jan-
uary session, eighteen hundred and seventy, en-
titled "An act to incorporate the town of Frostburg,
in Allegany county," and re-enact the same with
amendments, and to add an additional section
thereto, number thirty-four.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That sections seven, ten, eleven, thir-
teen, fourteen, sixteen, twenty-one, twenty-three and
twenty-four, of the acts of the General Assembly
Repealed and
passed at the January session, eighteen hundred and
seventy, entitled " an act to incorporate the town of
Frostburg, in Allegany county," be and the same are
hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows :
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That in case of the
death, refusal to act, resignation or disqualification
of any of the Councilmen, it shall be the duty of the
Mayor and Councilmen, or remaining Councilmen,
Fill vacancy.
to fill such vacancy or vacancies, by joint ballot, at
their next meeting, and to certify to the clerk of the
Circuit Court within ten days thereafter the name
or names of the person or persons so appointed as
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That they shall meet
at the council chamber or some other convenient
Where to
place every month, at a stated time to be fixed by
ordinance, and the Mayor or any three Councilmen
shall have power to call special meetings at any time
they may think necessary, and the Mayor shall pre-
side at all meetings of the Council, and have the
same power of voting and taking part in all acts and
deliberations of the Council as any member thereof,
and in the absence of the Mayor, the Council may
May appoint
in case of ab-
appoint a president, who shall have all the powers