streets and alley-ways, and may also open such
streets and alley-ways as may have been closed up.
145. The bounds of said town shall be as follows :
Beginning at a culvert over the Little Tonolaway
Creek, west of Hancock, running east with the Berm
bank of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal to a ravine
Bounds of
near the house formerly owned by Jacob Fry, thence
with said ravine north one-fourth of a mile ; thence
due west to Tonolaway Creek ; thence with the bed
of said creek to the place of beginning.
146. The male citizens of Hancock of the age of
twenty-one years and upwards who have resided in
Voters shall
elect burgess
and commis-
said town for twelve months preceding the election,
shall, on the first Monday in April in each year,
elect by ballot a burgess, assistant burgess, and three
commissioners, having in all respects the same qual-
ifications as the voters.
147. All elections shall be held and conducted as
shall from time to time be directed by the by-laws
Elections —
how conduct-
of the corporation not contrary to this charter ; pro-
vided, that no failure to hold elections or meetings,
or to do any other act prescribed by this charter, shall
work a forfeiture thereof, or in any way impair the
force and virtue of the same.
148. If, during the year for which they were
elected, the burgess, assistant burgess or any of the
Vacancies —
commissioners shall die, resign, remove from the
how filled.
town, be non compos mentis or displaced, an elec-
tion to fill the vacancy shall be held after ten days'
notice, and all persons qualified to vote at a regular
election may vote at such special election.
149. At all elections the persons who receive the
highest number of votes for the respective offices
voted "for shall be declared duly elected, and if at
any election any two or more persons shall have an
Equal vote.
equal number of votes, by which no choice shall be
Another elec-
made, a second election shall be held after not less
than ten days' notice, and so on until a choice is
Shall qualify.
150. The burgess, assistant burgess and commis-
sioners shall each qualify as such before a justice of the