number five, four justices of the peace and three
constables; for election district number six, three
justices of the peace and two constables ; for election
district number seven, four justices of the peace and
two constables ; for election district number eight,
two justices of the peace and one constable; for
election district number nine, four justices of the
peace and two constables ; for election district num-
ber ten, two justices of the peace and two constables ;
for election district number eleven, two justices of
the peace and one constable; for election district
number twelve, two justices of the peace and two
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 29, 1878.
AN ACT to enlarge the powers of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company in Maryland.
Whereas the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in
Maryland, a corporation duly incorporated and or-
ganized under the General Laws of Maryland, act
of eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter four hun-
dred and seventy-six, for the purpose of constructing
and operating a railroad from a point at the State
line, near Ellerslie, to and within the city of Cum-
berland ; and said company is now ready to build
said road into said city with proper depot and ter-
minal facilities for general freight and passenger
traffic, and also to connect with the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal.
And whereas the only inlet for said railroad to
said city or canal is through the precipitous moun-
tain gorge near said city known as " The Narrows,"
through which the Cumberland and Pennsylvania
Railroad is now operated on the east side of Wills
creek ; now, therefore,