AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments
sections one, three, four and five, of chapter forty-
six, of the Code of Public Local Laws, passed at
the January session of eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-six, entitled an act to regulate the sale of
firewood in the city of Baltimore ; for the better
protection of the produce dealer and consumer.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That sections one, three, four and five,
of chapter forty-six, of the Code of Public Laws,
Repealed and
passed at the January session of eighteen hundred
and seventy-six, be and the same are hereby repealed,
and the following re-enacted in lieu thereof:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Governor shall biennially
appoint, by and with the consent of the Senate, one
competent person, whose duty it shall be to measure
shall bienni-
ally appoint.
and stamp all carts or vehicles engaged in hauling
cord wood from wharf and yard within the corporate
limits of the city of Baltimore ; and it shall farther
be the duty of the said measurer to measure and
Duty of meas-
stamp all carts or vehicles engaged in hauling sawed
and split wood, for the purpose of selling the same
within the corporate limits of the city of Baltimore;
the said measurer to have power to appoint deputies
if he should find it necessary to facilitate the work ;
the said measurer or his assistants to give certificate
Give certifi-
to the owner or owners of said carts or vehicles,
which shall hold good for one year from date ; all
such certificates to terminate on the first day of May
annually, and shall be applied for on said day, or
within thirty days thereafter, and in all cases where
said certificate shall not have been renewed within
the thirty days aforesaid, a new certificate shall be
necessary, to be dated and paid for from the first day
Dated and
of May, as in case of renewal, unless some repairs or
paid for.
alteration be necessary to change the same, for which
services he shall receive the sum of one dollar for
each cart or vehicle so inspected and marked by him,