the legislature; and the capital stock and funds
of the corporation shall be deemed and taken to
be personal and not real estate.
ART. 18. The president and directors for the
time being shall give three weeks' public notice
Notice of
in at least two newspapers published in Washing-
ton county, of the time and place of holding the
annual election of directors.
ART. 19. That at all meetings of the stockhold-
ers of the corporation created by this act, for elec-
tions and other purposes, no person shall be allowed
to vote on any share or shares of stock at such
meeting, either in person or by proxy, unless the
said person shall, if required by a stockholder,
Proxy to
make oath.
make oath before the judges of the election or
other officers of the meeting, that he or she, as
the case may be, is the lawful and bona fide owner
of said stock, having purchased and paid or secured
payment for the same, a full consideration, or re-
ceived the same by inheritance, bequest, marriage,
distribution or gift, and without any understand-
ing that the said stock is to be transferred to the
party from whom it was received, or in case of
voting by proxy or power of attorney, the person
holding such proxy or power of attorney, shall
make oath or affirmation, if required by a stock-
holder, that he believes his principal for whom he
offers to vote bought and paid or secured the pay-
ment for the said stock a full consideration, or
that the said principal, to the best of his knowl-
edge and belief, is the real bona fide owner of said
stock, having acquired the same, as the case may
be, by inheritance, bequest, marriage, distribution
or gift; provided, however, that this provision shall
only apply to such shares of stock in the corpora-
tion aforesaid as shall appear to have been trans-
ferred upon the books of the corporation within
one year next preceding the meeting at which it
is offered to vote upon them.
ART. 20. It shall not be lawful for the banking
institution, by this act incorporated, to make dis-
counts in, or pay out any funds or money other
Pay out legal
than the legal currency of the United States, notes