of business, but ordinary discounts may be made
by the president and five directors, or a majority
of any board of directors ; and in case of sickness
or necessary absence of the president, his place
may be supplied by a director, whom he, by writ-
ing under his hand, shall nominate for the purpose.
ART. 9. Half-yearly dividends shall be made to
the stockholders of so much, of the net profits of
the corporation as shall appear to the president
and directors advisable, and such dividends shall
be declared at such fixed times as the stockholders
shall in general meeting determine, and shall be
paid within thirty days after they are declared;
and if the directors shall at any time wilfully and
knowingly make or declare any dividend which
shall impair the capital stock, all the directors pre-
sent at the making or declaring1 such dividend,
Liable in
and consenting thereto, shall be liable in their
individual ca-
individual capacities to the corporation for the
amount or proportion of the said capital stock so
divided by the directors, and each director who
shall be present at the making or declaring of
such dividend shall be deemed to have consented
thereto, unless he shall immediately enter his dis-
sent in writing on the minutes of the proceedings.
of the board, and give public notice to the stock-
holders that such dividend has been declared.
ART. 10. No director shall be entitled to receive
any emolument for his services unless the same
or compensa-
tion not al-
shall have been allowed at a general meeting of
the stockholders, and the directors shall make such
compensation to the president for his extraordi-
nary attendance at the bank as shall appear to
them reasonable.
ART. 11. The president and directors of the cor-
Call general
meeting of
poration may at any time call a general meeting of
its stockholders for any purpose relative to the in-
stitution, giving at least six weeks' notice in a
newspaper printed in Hagerstown, Washington
county, and any number of stockholders owning
not less than one-fifth of the stock of the corpo-
ration may at any time examine the books, papers
and accounts of such corporation, or may apply to