Am. 3. Once in each year the directors shall lay
before the stockholders of said corporation, at a
general meeting, for their information, an exact
Statement of
and particular statement of the debts which shall
have remained unpaid after the expiration of the
original credit, and the surplus profits, if any, after
deducting losses and dividends.
ART. 4. The treasurer of this State shall be fur-
Statement of
nished with statements of the amount of the capital
capital stock.
stock of the corporation and of the debts due to
and from the same, specifying those due to and
from other banks, of the monies deposited therein,
of the notes in circulation, of the cash on hand,
specifying the amounts of coin, and of the notes of
other banks, of the value of the real estate held
by the corporation, and of the amount and value of
public or other stocks owned by the corporation ;
said statement to be furnished twice in each year,
and to show the condition of the corporation in
the said particulars on the first Monday of Jan-
uary and the first Monday in July ; and said cor-
Statement to
poration shall publish said statement, so made to
be published.
the treasurer, in at least one of the newspapers
published in Washington county, said statement
in all cases to be verified by the oath or affirma-
tion of the president or cashier of the corporation.
ART. 5. The issues or notes usually denominated
bank notes, which it shall be lawful for the cor-
poration to issue, shall not at any time exceed the
amount of the capital stock actually paid in, and
Issue of notes
no note shall be issued of a less amount or denom-
not to exceed
capital stock
ination than one dollar, nor of any amount inter-
paid in.
mediate between five and ten dollars, and the
amount of notes issued of a less denomination
than five dollars shall not exceed twenty per cent.
of its capital stock actually paid in; and the Gen-
eral Assembly may at any time restrict the issue
of such notes, both in the amount which may be
issued and in the denomination of the notes.
ART. 6. The president, each director, cashier or
Form of ob-
treasurer, before he enters upon the duties of his
office, shall take the following oath or affirmation,
as the case may be : I, ———— , do swear or affirm