for trespass according to law, without the knowledge
and consent of the party impounding the same, or
his lawful agent, he, she or they shall be deemed
guilty of a felony, and upon indictment and con-
viction therefor, shall be sentenced to confinement
Guilty of
in the penitentiary of Maryland for not less than six
months nor more than one year, at the discretion of
the court.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons shall go upon the land of another in said
Shall go and
extend fence.
county and extend a fence from the land in his, her
or their occupation to the fence upon the land of
such other person, without his knowledge and con-
sent previously obtained, the same shall be and it is
hereby adjudged a misdemeanor, and upon con-
viction thereof before a justice of the peace of the
Upon con-
county aforesaid, the person or persons so offending
shall be fined not less than five nor more than twen-
ty-five dollars and costs, and be committed to the
county jail until such fine and costs are paid, or
thirty days, which ever shall first occur ; provided,
previous notice be given to such person or persons
Notice be
not to extend such fence, by the party whose land is
trespassed upon as aforesaid, or his tenant or lawful
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the first day of May next.
Approved April 1, 1878.