its affairs. At such time he shall have free access to
its books and papers, and shall thoroughly inspect
and examine its affairs to such extent, and make
such inquiries as may be necessary to ascertain its
condition and ability to fulfill its engagements, and
whether it has complied with all the provisions of
law applicable to its transactions. And whenever
the Insurance Commissioner may have reason to
Have reason
doubt the solvency or the correctness of the statement
of any company not organized under the laws of this
to doubt sol-
vency of com-
State, he shall communicate such doubts, and the
reasons for them, to the Insurance Commissioner or
other proper officer of the State in which such com-
pany is located. And if he is not satisfied from the
information obtained from such Insurance Commis-
sioner or other officer, or from the officers of the
company that the condition of the company is such
as to warrant him in permitting it to transact busi-
ness in this State, under the provisions of this act,
he shall notify such company that it will be neces-
Notify com-
sary for him to examine its affairs before giving it
pany it will
authority so to transact business in this State ; and
be necessary
to examine its
for that purpose he shall visit such company at its
principal office, and make or cause to be made under
his supervision a thorough examination into all its
Cause thor-
aifairs, and such examination shall only go to the
ough examin-
extent of ascertaining whether the assets claimed to
be possessed by such company are bona fide their
own property, and of the character required by law,
and the actual value thereof, and to the extent of
ascertaining the liabilities of such company, and the
expenses of such examination shall be paid by the
company. And if such company shall refuse to
If company
permit such examination, or shall refuse free access
refuse exam-
to all its books and papers, or shall in any way pre-
vent or obstruct a thorough examination into its affairs,
Shall not
he shall not grant a license to such company, or if a
grant license.
license shall have been already granted he shall at once
Shall at once
revoke it, and publish the fact of such revocation in
one daily newspaper published in the city of Balti-
Publish in
more. For the purpose of examinations authorized
by law the Insurance Commissioner shall have power
to summon and examine any person being within this
Have power
to summon
State, under oath, which he is hereby authorized to
and examine
administer, in relation to the affairs and condition of
any person.
any insurance company ; and in order that the pub-