ling, Meredith, Beeks, Bowie, of Prince George's,
Hill, Perrie, Wallen, Godwin, Franklin, Hayman,
Grove, of Frederick, Bevard, Stearns, Deen, Thomp-
son, Fitzgerald, Bowie, cf Baltimore city, O'Conor,
Gill, Frincke, Carr, Cornthwaite, Joyce, Smith, of
Washiington, Fockler, Shafer, Garrott, Young,
Stottlemyer, Haines, Berret, Leeds, Moore—49.
Said bill was then sent to the Senate.
House bill entitled an Act to amend section 258, of
Article 11, of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land relating to the lien of livery stable keepers in
Frederick city, and also to add an additional section,
Was read a third time, and passed by yeas and
nays, as follows :
AFFIRMATIVE—Messrs. Speaker, Garner, Strong,
Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins, Sappington,
of Anne Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Cole, Hamilton, Jr.,
Monmonier, Schlaffer, Collins, Leonard, Anderson,
Meredith, Smith, of Dorchester, Miles, Kirk, Grove,
of Cecil, Bowie, of Prince George's, Hill, Perrie,
Bryan, Wallen, Franklin, Wilkinson, McSherry,
Gaver, Grove, of Frederick, Sappington, of Frederick,
Bevard, Hayward, Stearns, Johnson, Thompson, Fuld,
Walz, Fitzgerald, Brennan, Field, Bowie, of Balto,
city, O'Conor, Sams, Sanders, Frincke. Carr, Smith,
of Washington, Stottlemyer, Berret, Laws—53.
Said bill was then sent to the Senate.
House bill entitled an Act to add two new sections
to Article 5, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Calvert County," under the sub-title "County Com-
missioners," regulating the term of office of the
County Commissioners of said county, to be desig-
nated as "Section 46 A and 46 B."
Was read a third time, and passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE—Messrs. Speaker, Garner, Strong,
Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins, Ireland,
Carrico, Cole, Elliott, Monmonier, Collins, Leonard,
Green, Anderson, Sterling, Meredith, Kirk, Beeks,