sum of money for the building of a school house for
white children near Hyde's store, in the Fourth Elec-
tion District of Prince George's county.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize and empower
Wyatt Owen to build a bridge from a point on the
shore of the Patapsco river, near Lester's wharf, to
connect with Light street bridge over the Patapsco
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Dorchester county to make or
have a general index of the Land Records of said
county and to provide for the payment therefor.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 127, of
Article 16, of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mont-
gomery county, sub-title "Justice of the Peace and
Constable," and to re enact the same with amend-
House bill entitled an Act to repeal, amend and re-
enact section 614, of Article 4, of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title
"Justice of the Peace and Constables," as amended
by chapter 280, of the Act passed at the January Ses-
sion of 1890.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 83, of
Article 10, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Dorchester County," sub-title ''Cambridge," as
amended by the Act of 1890, chapter 311, and to re-
enact the same with amendments.
Were severally read a second time, and ordered to
be engrossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled an Act supplemental to an Act
entitled an Act to incorporate the Baltimore Equitable
Society for insuring Louses from loss by fire.
Was read a third time, and passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE. — Messrs. Speakers, Combs, Strong,
Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Hntchins, Sappington,
of Anne Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Orrick, Cole, Elliott,
Hamilton, Jr., Monmonier, Collins, Wooters, Ander-