Bowie, of Prince George's, Perrie, Bryan, Franklin,
Wilkinson, McShorry, Gaver, Bevard, Hayward,
Stearns, Johnson, Thompson, Walz, Fitzgerald, Fox,
Carter, O'Conor, Sams, Carr, Cornthwaite, Fockler,
Shafer, Barber, Hosken, Sr., Stottlemyer, Haines,
Sellman, Berret, Leeds, Tracey, Haslup, Ellegood,
Moore, Bittinger, Michaels—52.
Said bill was then sent to the Senate.
House bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to pay the claim of the Baltimore Publishing
Company, printers and stationers of Baltimore city,
for printing cards of instructions to voters, &c.
Was read a third time, and passed by yeas and nays,
as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Strong,
Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins, Sappington, of Anne
Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Maddox, Orrick, Cole, Elliott,
Hamilton, Jr., Anderson, Sterling, Miles, Kirk, Beeks,
Grove, of Cecil, Perrie, Pryan, Franklin, Wilkinson,
McSherry, Gaver, Bevard, Hayward, Stearns, John-
son, Thompson, Fitzgerald, Brennan, Fox, Carter,
O'Conor, Gill, Sams, Carr, Cornthwaite, Shafer, Bar-
ber, Young, Hosken, Sr., Stottlemyer, Haines, Sell-
man, Berret, Leeds, Tracey, Haslup, Ellegood, Moore,
NEGATIVE.—Mr. Deen—1.
Said bill was then sent to the Senate.
House bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to pay Thomas & Evans for furnishing copies
and extracts of the election laws under sections 138
and 160, chapter 538, of Acts of 1890.
Was read a third time, and passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Strong,
Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins, Sappington, of Anne
Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Maddox, Orrick, Cole, Elliott,
Hamilton, Jr., Anderson, Sterling, Miles, Kirk, Beeks,
Grove of Cecil, Perrie, Bryan, Franklin Wilkinson,
McSherry, Gayer, Bevard, Hayward, Stearns, Deen,
Johnson, Thompson, Fitzgerald, Brennan, Fox, Car-
ter, O'Conor, Gill, Sams, Carr, Cornthwaite, Smith-