"Public Education," sub-title "Text Books," so far
as the same applies to Anne Arundel county, and to
re-enact a substitute therefor, providing for the free
use of books and stationery in the public schools of
said county.
House biil entitled an Act to authorize and empower
the Governor to appoint an additional Justice of the
Peace for Election Districts Nos. 1, 4 and, of Charles
Were severally read a second time, and ordered to
be engrossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal chapter 476, of
the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1890,
entitled an Act for the better protection of fish, crabs,
oysters and terrapins in the waters of Talbot county,
and to re-enact the same with amendments.
Was read a second time and ordered to be engrossed
lor a third reading.
House bill entitled an Act to incorporate the Dorman
and Smith Hardware Company.
Mr. Ellegood submitted the following proposed
amendment :
In section 4, line 4, insert between the word "mer-
chandise" and the word "either," the following:
"And such other articles of merchandise." Add after
section 4 a section to be called "Section 5. And be it
enacted, That the said corporation and the board of
directors and the stockholders thereof, shall, in addi-
tion to the powers hereby granted, have and enjoy in
all respects, all of the powers, benefits and advantages
which now are, 01 may hereafter be conferred by the
Public General Laws of this State relating to corpora-
tions, upon corporations formed or to be formed in
accordance with the provisions thereof, and the corpo-
ration hereby formed shall in all respects, except in
so far as may be inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act, to be subject to the provisions and regula-
tions in the Public General Laws of this State relating
to corporations formed or to be formed thereunder."
Make section 5 section 6, and make section 6 sec-
tion 7.
Which were severally read and adopted.