and that there were of said bonds, one hundred and fifty-
two, numbered respectively, one hundred and sixty-six.
(166) to three hundred and seventeen (317 each, inclu-
sive, for one thousand dollars, amounting to one hun-
dred and fifty-two thousand dollars ; two hundred and
eighteen, numbered respectively, five hundred and
eighty-three (583) to eight hundred (800) each, inclu-
sive, each for five thousand dollars, amounting to one
million and ninety thousand dollars; and three (3)
bonds, numbered thirty-five (35), thirty-six (36), and
hirty-seven (37), each for one hundred dollars, amount-
ing to three hundred dollars, the whole aggregating
one million, two hundred and forty-two thousand and
three hundred dollars, and that each of said bonds had
thereto attached the coupons due July 1st, 1892, and
thereafter, and had been duly stamped and cancelled,
as required by law. And your committee further
report that the Treasurer of the State did, on said 6th
day of February, 1892, in the presence of said com-
mittee, destroy said bonds and coupons by burning the
Respectfully submitted,
Committee on the part of the Senate.
Committee on part of House of Delegates.
Which was read, and, on motion, ordered to be
spread on the Journal, and the Committee discharged
with the thanks of the House.
House bill entitled an Act to regulate the price of
illuminating gas in Annapolis city.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments section 26, of Article 65, of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Militia," and to au-
thorize the formation of additional companies.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize and empower
the County Commissioners of Talbot county to direct
the Sheriff of said county to employ convict labor
upon public roads and streets.
House bill entitled an Act to refund to John H.
Giler, late Collector of State taxes for the Second Col-
lection District of Somerset county, certain moneys
paid by him into the Treasury of the State.