Committee on Corporations.—Messrs. Joyce, Hill,.
Wooters, Brennan, Gaver, Haslup, Leeds, Canby,
Committee on Expiring Laws.—Messrs. Brashears,
Grove, of Cecil, Sappington, of Anne Arundel,
Thompson, Hamilton, Lane, Haines, Johnson, Buckey
Committee on Engrossed Bills and Resolutions.—
Messrs. Ellegood, Fitzgerald, Brennan, McSherry,
Collins, Elliott, O'Conor, Bevard, Green.
Committee on Public Buildings.—Messrs. Smith,
of Dorchester, Carter, Leonard, Sanders, Moore,
Wilson, Hayman, Garner, Sappington, of Frederick.
Committee on Claims.—Messrs. Stearns, Sellman,
Wooters, Cole, Franklin, Shafer, Cornthwaite, Mere-
dith, Michael.
Committee on Agriculture.—Messrs. Collins, Beeks,
Tracy, Laws, Green, Fockler, Wallen, Meredith, Bit-
Committee on Currency.—-Messrs. Ireland, Sapping-
ton, of Anne Arundel, Cole, Haines, Grove, of Cecil?
Bryan, Wilkinson, Sterling, Michael.
Committee on the Contingent Fund placed at the
disposal of the Executive,—Messrs. Sellman, Carter
Laird, Wooters, Miles, Sams, Canby, Bevard, Fox.
Committee on Roads and Highways.—Bowie, of
Prince George's, Grove, of Cecil, Biggs, Donaldson,
Lane, Elliott, Gaver, Meredith, Stottlemeyer.
Committee on Public Records.—Messrs. Griffith,
Fuld, O'Conor, Frincke, Haslup, Godwin, Garner
Anderson, Johnson.
Committee on Chesapeake Bay and its Tributaries.—
Messrs. Thompson, Smith, of Dorchester, Fitzgerald,
Ireland, Brashears, Moore, Sanders, Schlaffer, Beeks,
Stearns, Carrico, Leonard, Garner, Bowie, of Prince
George's, Sterling, Strong, Wallen, Hayman, Johnson.
Committee on Immigration.—Messrs. Bryan, Walz,
Haines, Orrick, Frincke, Sanders, Leeds, Brashears,.
Committee on the part of the House on Joint Com-
mittee on Section 24, Article 3, of the Constitution.—
Messrs. Carr, Hutchins, Miles, Ireland, Fuld, Mad-
dox, Grove, of Frederick. Garner, Haslup.