1632 INDEX.
House bill to carry into effect section 1 of article 7,
52, 500, 522, 760.
House bill to pay certain newspapers of the State
for publishing amendments, 59, 179, 229, 258, 554, 603.
House bill to amend article 4, section 39, of, 117,
289, 756.
House bill to carry into effect in Baltimore county,
section 1 of article 7—see Baltimore county.
House bill to add an additional section to article 4,
376, 378, 1360.
House bill to amend sections 5, 8, 9, 11, and other
sections of article 4, 497, 499, 766.
House bill to pay William B. Usilton, and others for
publishing the admendments to, 548, 759, 941, 1578.
Order relating to placing copies in the speaker's
room, 605.
Senate bill to add an additional section to article 4,
768, 792, 827.
House bill to amend section 31 of article 4, 782, 902,
935, 1227.
House bill to carry into effect section 1 of article 7,
so far as relates to Howard county, 923, 992, 1216.
House bill to pay Frank T. Gibson for publishing
amendments to, 966, 967, 1202, 1359, 1583.
CONVICT MINORS—Senate bill relating to, 297, 380, 1345.
bill relating to, 280, 311, 335.
CORPORATIONS—Formation of, for conducting any busi-
ness—See Code.
Providing for payment to the State—See Code.
House bill regulating charges on railroads and
appointing commissioners—See Code.
Fraud on the part of endowment and similar institu-
tions—See Code.